Sunday, July 28, 2019

Public Speaker

My signature talk is about the healing power of creativity.  I weave my story of recovery in with quotes and research about creativity and healing.  I offer life coaching and mentoring based on these themes as well. My talk can be coupled with an art workshop or other interactive activity. 

----------Lisa M. Boyles (317) 792-3483

2014-Present   "In Our Own Voice" presenter - National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
2020 Speaker - Indy Progressive Rotary
2019  Main Speaker - Unity of Indianapolis
2019 Keynote Presenter -  Trusted Mentors
2017    Presenter - Knowledge Empowers You (KEY) conference
2013    International Speech Contest Winner - Golden Gavel Club of Toastmasters
2012    Actor - Nobody Needs to Know Project by AMHPA
2011   Lay Message Giver - Irvington Friends Meeting (Programmed)